quit smoking hypnotist

quit smoking hypnotist mean using hypnosis or hypnotic to stop from smoking. it a very useful to use to the person that cannot let go from smoking. therefore this blog is about tips and how to quit smoking by using hypnotist method.

Monday 2 April 2012

Shocking Smoking Fact!!! The Tobacco Companies Dont Want You To Know

quit smoking hypnotist.blogspot.com

Smoking is a global problem. It is estimated that one in three adults smoke with over 1 billion people smoke worldwide. Most of these smokers reside in countries at the lower half of the spectrum socio-economic. Of this majority, about 80% live in low and middle income countries. The total number of smokers worldwide is expected to continue to grow each year.

Worldwide, the popularity of tobacco depends on social class, historical era and culture. Historically, smoking was a pastime for the rich. However, this trend has changed radically in recent decades. It appears that economically advantaged men in wealthier countries have been smoking less in recent years.

The World Health Organization has been studying smoking trends and statistical models from around the world and found the following statistics:
1) Most people who smoke, start smoking before the age of 25. Observations show the world that people are going to smoke at an earlier age. World Health Organization studies have shown that most smokers in developed countries, starting in adolescence.

2) Eastern Europe has a particularly high level of smoke, and 59% of adult male smokers. In addition, significantly more women smoke in Eastern Europe than in East Asia and the Pacific.

Smoking in the U.S.

As Americans, compared to the rest of the world when it comes to smoking? It may come as no surprise to hear that Americans are not better than anyone else. According to a National Health Survey (NHIS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics:

3) In the U.S., an estimated 25.6 million men (25.2%) and 22.6 million women (20.7%) are smokers. Smokers have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Here are the latest estimates for smokers aged 18 years and older:
4) There seems to be the relationship between living standards in the country, education level and income, and the number of people who quit smoking. The best and most knowledgeable, the more likely they are to quit smoking.

5) Studies show that the popularity of smoking is significantly higher among people with 9-11 years of education (35.4%) than those with more than 16 years of education (11.6%).

6) People living below the poverty line (33.3%) are much more likely to start smoking.

7) Among whites, 25.1% men and 21.7% of women smoke.

8) Among black or African-American, 27.6% men and 18% of women smoke.

9) Among Asians, 21.3% men and 6.9% of women smoke.

10) Among Hispanics / Latinos, 23.2 percent men and 12.5% ​​of women smoke.

11) Among American Indians / Alaska Natives, 32% men and 36.9% of women smoke.

12)  shocking  news... 1 out of every 5 five deaths caused by tobacco

13) believes that tobacco is responsible for 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

14) cigarettes account for about 25% of deaths from residential fires, resulting in 1,000 fire deaths and 3300 injuries per year.

15) Tobacco accused of many serious cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases

16), nicotine and tobacco are among the most potent carcinogens and are responsible for the majority of all cases of cancer of the larynx, lung, trachea, bronchi and esophagus.

17) Tobacco smoke is known to produce cancer of the pancreas, kidney, bladder and cervix

18) Since the tobacco reduces blood flow, nicotine addiction has been shown to cause impotence.

19) If you smoke, the risk of respiratory diseases is high. This can lead to lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia, which are responsible for about 85,000 each year.

20) Children and adolescents who are active smokers will have more severe respiratory disease, aging smoke

21) during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. It also leads to 5-6% of prenatal deaths, 17-26% of low birth weight, birth, and 7-10% of pre-term deliveries.

If you do not want to quit smoking after reading these shocking figures, you really need to get your head examined. You know in your heart, as is right.

thank you for not smoking.

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