quit smoking hypnotist

quit smoking hypnotist mean using hypnosis or hypnotic to stop from smoking. it a very useful to use to the person that cannot let go from smoking. therefore this blog is about tips and how to quit smoking by using hypnotist method.

Monday 23 April 2012

10 easy step hypnosis to quit smoking

1. Always believe in yourself. If you think you can stop smoking, you can certainly do it in a very short period of time.

2. Make sure that you are motivated by the fact that you quit this bad habit for your own good. Tell yourself that once the habit, you'll have a better life and healthier.

3. So make sure you have a game plan at hand. Make sure to set a date by which you should stop smoking and get in touch with a hypnotist who is certified.

4. At the release date of the meeting with a hypnotist at the appointed time and begin a session of hypnosis. Listen to the CD-ROM to the therapist every day, at least for an hour. During this period, to get rid of everything that reminds you of smoking.

5. Make a list of reasons why people smoke gets. Then create a list of things you can do to prevent smoking.

6. Write an application note and put it in plain sight. These notes will encourage you to give up the habit as soon as possible.

7. Keep your family and friends informed of their decision so they can hold you accountable for their actions.

8. Exercise on a daily basis
Every day, they give you a reward if you successfully complete the day without smoking. You can relax with a book, apple, or perhaps some flowers for his determination not to smoke during the day. Every day counts, so let him, without taking into account a cigarette.
As a final step, do not give up at any time. Tell yourself that many people have done before, and what you can do too.

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