quit smoking hypnotist

quit smoking hypnotist mean using hypnosis or hypnotic to stop from smoking. it a very useful to use to the person that cannot let go from smoking. therefore this blog is about tips and how to quit smoking by using hypnotist method.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy

quit smoking hypnotist blog

Not everyone can claim that the cigarette that he or she is holding is the last cigarette. It takes much more will power, help, or medication to get away from the temptations of nicotine. To stop smoking, we get involved in plans that take us through so many steps so that your dependence is primarily chemically tied. Pills and drugs help one sustain the cravings. But the inevitable question is ‘what happens when you stop taking the medication?’
A lot of these plans don’t account for the psychological effects when one tries to stop smoking. With individuals returning to smoking, there’s reason to think that there’s more to the conventional plans. Instead of physical treatments to combating the smoking habit, some are considering alternative methods. Hypnotherapy is such a process where one can deal with problems by appealing directly to the inner consciousness. The patient can examine one’s habits that are from the core level. With changes in the inner consciousness, one can change.
The process of hypnotherapy involves consultation with a hypnotherapist. The therapist will typically ask you to fill out a questionnaire so that he or she can get a better feel for your needs. The intake form will ask for your habits, tendencies and information about your background.
Once the therapist has the information, you’ll be asked to come for a hypnotherapy session where you schedule your meeting. This session involves the actual hypnosis. In attempting to get the patient in a hypnotic state, the therapist will tell the person to relax as much as possible. The deep state of relaxation is important since this is the state where the therapist can reach the subconscious mind. In some cases, the patient is asked to focus on some thought that will trigger a change in the state.
Why is the subconscious state desirable? It is under this condition that the individual is highly receptive to new suggestions and ideas. The therapist uses imagery and positive suggestions during this moment to help the client imagine a life without cigarettes or nicotine. What’s also interesting is that the therapist will not say “don’t smoke” during the session. By saying not to smoke may trigger someone to smoke, simply because we tend to do what we’re told not to. Hence, negative influences are almost never used under a hypnosis session. Instead, the therapist makes the client think about a positive life without smoke.
A typical stop smoking program may go for weeks, or even months. The program may not be cheap, but the benefits could be more effective than other conventional plans. For someone serious about hypnotherapy for smoking, it may not be advantageous to take the one-time sessions with a group. These programs are not as effective since they don’t focus on your specific needs.
Some hypnotherapists may provide a cd of the hypnosis session so that the quitter can revert to the session at his or her convenience. In fact, some recommend that one listens to the sessions every night under relaxed conditions.
Hypnotherapy should be a consideration if conventional means such as medication do not work. The cravings for nicotine may be psychological and the best way to combat it may be through hypnosis.
Michael Russell
Your Independent Stop Smoking guide.

How To Hypnotize Fast

quit smoking hypnotist blogPeople always overlook me questions like "how to hypnotize quickly," although sometimes it can seem confusing, because hypnosis means that the clustering of different things to many people. Hypnosis is not only a word or want to say the method is in a hypnotic way. The thing is, how to hypnotize a man who knows what you want to hypnotize him or her. I will talk about the profound methods, fast methods and how to hypnotize others that you will need one of my favorite hypnotist to find out. This method is called the style of gain. Here's what three phases:1) Explaining the way you feel in a hypnotic state.2) Command the person you want to hypnotize to produce them.3) As soon as your client start to produce them reply with commending words like thats fine, its ok etc.Ask your client to produce the signs of trance, as he is doing it monitor and see where he does it well, once you notice a spot where the hypnosis is done well commend him by saying that fine. Do this style facing your client, make him open his eyes if he so wishes or he can close them if he wants to. If finally the decision is for your client to open his eyes, though its preferable for your client to open their eyes to enable you hypnotize him fast. Tell him to focus far into his mind, that is to think deep into his mind, be in the same posture as your client is and also start breathing exactly at the exact rate he is breathing. Monitor your client closely and see that you are getting the rate at which he is breathing even though not the exact rate.I have something in mind, let's quit this hypnosis and return later, theirs something i want to get straight. I want to tell you stuffs that bring about hypnosis after am through with it we will return to our usual state of mind. This is made to give you an insight of what hypnosis is all about and after that we will continue the hypnosis, make your client respond ok in a deep way.Begin with eyes open and when they are weak and need to close them, let him do it. It is normal for you to lose the desire to move because you are in a comfortable mode. Wait for an affirmation message to proceed, after you say begin, reproduce as many signs of hypnosis as you can with your eyes open. This has the capability to make you hypnotize fast, as soon as the signs of hypnosis begins to appear tell your client commending messages like your are doing good, that excellent. They are two signs that will occur which are : His shoulder will begin to contract that good and his breathing slow down thats normal and the face relaxes thats excellent, continue for 5 minutes and count them out.Ask them what they experienced while you were hypnotizing them, like - whats it like? and wait for a response . Perfecting to hypnotize fast is a kind of skill, it gets deeper and faster the more time you do it. They are certain answers those that wants to hypnotize fast always want to know, whats the best inductions, best song and best food for hypnosis to act fast? It varies from people to people and as i said in the beginning what may be good for A might not be good for B. Fast hypnosis is like a conversation, is like you tell you client something and he does it instantly without complaining. Some client usually have the problem of their eyes popping open while you are hypnotizing them, normally its supposed to be close. You may fail while doing every possible best to make their eyes close and still it wont. That hypnosis for me it doesn't work with everybody.Finally, I hope you enjoyed this summary of how to hypnotize fast, if you want to learn deeper into how to hypnotize fast i recommend a hypnotist i have known over the years who teaches people how to hypnotize, his hypnosis techniques can be used to quit smoking, control the mind and also weight loss, for more information visit How to Hypnotize Fast. Thanks for reading.

video shows how to hypnotize fast

Why Hypnoteraphy Is The Most Successful Way To Quit Smoking???

quit smoking hypnotist blog

Many people believe that smoking is a habit so exciting that there is no easy way to quit smoking. Many simply do not even try. Others are half-hearted attempts, but again the grass for a day or so. Some of them decided to quit and look for the most effective ways for people to go. Some of them use nicotine patches or gum to relieve cravings and get rid of this habit in this way. Others are turning to alternative treatmentsand therapies. In a large study at the end of the last century, all methods have tried to quit smoking hypnotherapy has emerged as the most effective way to quit smoking. Here is a brief overview of how and why hypnosis works so well to help people quit smoking.

A good hypnotherapist will know that when a smoker comes into my practice that people are absolutely desperate to quit smoking. It takes great courage to venture into the unknown, and the practice of hypnotherapy gives great advantage over other methods to stop smoking. In most cases, the customer is the last resort, and are willing to give it your best shot.

Armed with this knowledge, the hypnotherapist is ready for the smoker. He or she will unleash a barrage of reasons why smoking is so bad for their client and follow up with a whole host of reasons why they should stop smoking, here and now. While still reeling from the information overload of why they absolutely should quit smoking, the smoker is then gently placed into hypnosis by a relaxation method known as progressive relaxation. This is where the skilled hypnotherapist uses verbal imagery hypnotherapy techniques to relax the entire body of the client in such a way as to make them feel at ease and not threatened in any way.

Hypnotherapy uses a person’s relaxed state to deliver suggestions directly to the subconscious part of their mind, where they will take root and become a part of the person’s normal mind-set. Once the client is hypnotised deeply enough, the hypnotherapist then goes about delivering the specific suggestions that will bring about the change in the client’s thought process that will make it feel natural to be a non-smoker. This small detail is, in fact, very important. It is easier to stop smoking when a person is in the frame of mind that they are a non-smoker rather than someone who is giving up, or who has quit smoking. These imply the person was a smoker, which will remain at the back of their minds and could lead to them reverting back to the way they were if subjected to temptation. The person who has the mindset of a non-smoker, interestingly, is not so vulnerable to the temptation to restart their habit, as that habit has been effectively forgotten. In its simplest terms, someone who has quit smoking, was once a smoker. Someone who is a non-smoker is a person who doesn’t smoke. There is a world of difference in those two statements and the good hypnotherapist knows this.

Together with a heap of information on the dangers of smoking, all the reasons why it is desirable to quit smoking combined with powerful hypnotic suggestions designed to alter the mindset of the ex-smoker to that of a non-smoker, the skilled hypnotherapist will engineer the change that will enable their client to walk out of their practice as a non-smoker. It is for this reason hypnotherapy has been cited the most successful way to stop smoking.

Monday, 20 February 2012

10 Quit Smoking Symptoms Explained

quit smoking hypnotist

Today,there are many different quit smoking symptoms that appear in smokers who are trying to quit. The range of symptoms is quite wide but luckily, most smokers will not suffer all of the symptoms, only one or two. Nevertheless, some of the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable and can motivate smokers to start up and abandon quitting.

The most common quit smoking symptoms are:

Quit smoking symptom 1: Anger: When you quit smoking, your brain chemistry isn't able to work normally because you haven't any nicotine in your system. As a result, smokers who have been off the smokes for a day or too can get a bit cranky. They tend to be pretty unpleasant company and are liable to fly off the handle pretty easily.

Quit smoking symptom 2: Bad Breath or halitosis: This is one of the more anti-social of quit smoking symptoms. Many people recommend chewing gum as this not only gives your mouth something to do but also covers up the bad odour. What most smokers don't realise is that they had bad breath anyway. It is only because they quit smoking that they actually came to notice it!

Quit smoking symptom 3: Constipation: It is not known specifically why, but many smokers complain of constipation when they quit smoking. The intestinal tract tends to slow down but it is normally only temporary. The only recommended remedies are to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of high fibre foods such as wholemeal and fruits.

Quit smoking symptom 4: Cough: When you quit smoking, the lungs finally get a moment to start cleaning themselves the way they are supposed to. This process doesn't work normally when smoking every hour or so. The body is simply expelling the mucus that has accumulated over the years. This wet cough should only last a week or two and it is your body naturally cleaning itself from the inside.

Quit smoking symptom 5: Cravings: When you quit smoking, you stop taking in a regular supply of nicotine. After only 3 days there is none left in your body. As such, because your brain is so used to nicotine it 'wonders' where it is and asks for more by giving you cravings to smoke. Your best course of action is to distract yourself for a while. The average craving only lasts a minute or two and they become fewer and farther between over time.

Quit smoking symptom 6: Dizziness: When you quit smoking, your body starts fixing the red blood cells that have been handicapped with carbon monoxide. After a couple of days, the 15% of a smoker's blood that was dysfunctional becomes proper working blood again. The dizziness is a side effect of the extra oxygen your blood is delivering to your brain!

Quit smoking symptom 7: Headaches: Your body has been used to nicotine within the system whilst you were a smoker. Now that the nicotine has subsided, your brain chemistry is trying to reset itself. Sometimes this manifests in headaches. To deal with this, your best bet is to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee or cola and drink plenty of water. Take some painkillers when required.

Quit smoking symptom 8: Hunger: Craving for cigarettes can be confused with hunger. You have been used to having a cigarette (or something) in your mouth about once every hour for the last few years. That is now gone. Try sucking a straw, eating low-calorie raw vegetables or chewing gum. Don't turn to chocolate or potato chips - you will get fat!

Quit smoking symptom 9: Insomnia: Because the nicotine your brain was used to is no longer there, the brain isn't working the way it is used to. As a result, it may keep you in a bit of a nervous panic that stops you being able to sleep. Have a hot bath and a hot drink and see if you can't nod off like normal.

Quit smoking symptom 10: Sore throat: Your body has been used to secreting plenty of mucus in your airways whilst you were a smoker to deal with the irritation of the smoke. When you quit, it stops producing this mucus and leaves you with a dry throat that becomes sore. Drink plenty of water to try and alleviate the symptoms. If they get really bad, try an over-the-counter anaesthetic spray.

All of these quit smoking symptoms will conspire against you. They will irritate and annoy you when you try to quit smoking. But remember, they are just symptoms and they will all pass in time. As irritating and annoying as they all are, none of them are as tedious as an early death from cigarettes!

Whatever you do when you are trying to quit smoking, my advice is to never stop trying to quit.

                                                    one of the quit smoking symptoms

Quit Smoking Tips: Top Ten Tips

quit smoking hypnotist blog

It 's difficult for people to stop smoking , and until you actually understand what could easily be  could use some tips to quit smoking. You will need help to stop you from smoking all the time to have a negative attitude towards the rejection of the smoking.They are also have conventional techniques that will help you through the process of quitting smoking.Below are the list of Tips how to quit smoking.

Quit smoking tip 1: Drink plenty of water and drink plenty of citric fruit juices for the first couple of days. Stop drinking sugary drinks after day 3 or you will put on weight.

Quit smoking tip 2: Start eating healthy food. Stay off the pastries, sweets, potato chips and chocolates. Eat raw vegetables and plenty of fruit. Without smoking, these things start tasting even better than normal.

Quit smoking tip 3: Tell everyone you know that you are quitting smoking. Ask them for their encouragement - they will give it. Smokers and non-smokers and ex-smokers especially, will all be 100% behind you. No-one likes seeing friends or family killing themselves.

Quit smoking tip 4: If you are worried about getting fat, start using the stairs at work or whenever you can. If you have to go somewhere within a mile, walk instead of cycle or taking the car.

Quit smoking tip 5: Set aside a jar to put all your cigarette money in. You will be saving over $30 a week if you are a normal smoker. Use this money to spend on something extravagant for your self after the first week and then after the first month.

Quit smoking tip 6: Accept that you are never going to have another cigarette as long as you live. Understand that the only reason you could possibly need any smoking paraphernalia is because you plan on smoking again.

Quit smoking tip 7: Never doubt your decision to quit smoking. It was the right decision.

Quit smoking tip 8: Rid your entire life of cigarettes and all the paraphernalia of smoking such as lighters, matches, ashtrays etc. Never carry cigarettes with you.

Quit smoking tip 9: Don't kid yourself that you will let your friends smoke in your house. You must ban smoking from every aspect of your life. Your house, your car, your back yard.

Quit smoking tip 10: Every time you crave a cigarette, feel proud that you have gone this long without one and you can manage even longer.

There are many support methods out there to help smokers quit. You can use nicotine replacement therapy (which I seriously don't recommend), zyban or chantix with 16% and 22% apparent success rates. There are also other methods that do not use drugs or pharmacological interventions such as hypnotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy. These methods generally boast better long term results than drugs do.

My advice to anyone trying to quit smoking is to be prepared to try any and every method you can. Invest money (particularly if it comes with a money back guarantee) because it is money well spent. No-one can tell you which method will work best for you so you can only find out by trying all the methods.
As always, never stop trying to quit smoking. ;]

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Quit Smoking Benefits

quit smoking hypnotist blog

People often want to know what happens when they stop smoking. If you have been researching stopping smoking for a while, you will have seen 'the list' of benefits to quit smoking but here is a list of quit smoking benefits as to why you should want to quit.
quit smoking benefit #1: You will no longer be a member of the club that kills half its members early. That's right - half of all smokers die young specifically because they smoke, not because they are in a car crash or suffer some other freak accident or need a kidney transplant. They die because they smoke.
quit smoking benefit #2: You reduce the risk of dying 16 to 20 years premature because of nicotine addiction and tobacco.
quit smoking benefit #3: Only 1 in five people diagnosed with lung cancer get to survive for more than 5 years. 90% of all lung cancer patients are or have been smokers when they are diagnosed. The vast majority quit the instant they find out they have cancer.
quit smoking benefit #4: You start reducing the 8-fold increase in contracting lung cancer that you were risking before, as a smoker.
quit smoking benefit #5: As a man, you increase your ejaculate volume and you start reversing the negative effects smoking had on your sperm. Sperm formation is less likely to be mutated and/or dead. Your fertility increases.
quit smoking benefit #6: As a woman, your general fertility increases and you reduce the chances of early onset menopause.
quit smoking benefit #7: You start to improve your odds from being 5 times more likely to have a heart attack before the age of 40 to something resembling normality. The reduction in risk takes time but it starts the moment you stop smoking.
quit smoking benefit #8: You start reducing your chances of suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD includes emphysema (suffocating to death) and bronchitis (coughing to death). Smokers make up 80% of all COPD sufferers.
quit smoking benefit #9: Your chances of contracting bladder cancer reduce by between at least 50%.
quit smoking benefit #10: You stop running the risk of the next cigarette you smoke being the one that starts lung cancer or throat cancer or mouth cancer or god only knows what sort of cancer.
On a brighter note, stopping smoking before the age of 30 negates about 90% of all the negative effects of smoking but even if you have smoked for the last 60 years it is still never to late to quit. As I always say, never stop trying to quit smoking!

New Definition About Hypnosis or Hypnotist

quit smoking hypnotist blog

The Division 30 Definition and Description of Hypnosis

Hypnosis typically involves an introduction to the procedure during which the subject is told that suggestions for imaginative experiences will be presented. The hypnotic induction is an extended initial suggestion for using one's imagination, and may contain further elaborations of the introduction. A hypnotic procedure is used to encourage and evaluate responses to suggestions. When using hypnosis, one person (the subject) is guided by another (the hypnotist) to respond to suggestions for changes in subjective experience, alterations in perception, sensation, emotion, thought or behavior. Persons can also learn self-hypnosis, which is the act of administering hypnotic procedures on one's own. If the subject responds to hypnotic suggestions, it is generally inferred that hypnosis has been induced. Many believe that hypnotic responses and experiences are characteristic of a hypnotic state. While some think that it is not necessary to use the word "hypnosis" as part of the hypnotic induction, others view it as essential.

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnosis

                                              the doctor check up his patient using hypnotist

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myXhHJEJxnA

Definition of Hypnosis And Hypnotist

quit smoking hypnotist blog

The earliest definition of hypnosis was given by Braid, who coined the term "hypnotism" as an abbreviation for "neuro-hypnotism", or nervous sleep, which he opposed to normal sleep, and defined as: "a peculiar condition of the nervous system, induced by a fixed and abstracted attention of the mental and visual eye, on one object, not of an exciting nature.
Braid elaborated upon this brief definition in a later work: the real origin and essence of the hypnotic condition, is the induction of a habit of abstraction or mental concentration, in which, as in reverie or spontaneous abstraction, the powers of the mind are so much engrossed with a single idea or train of thought, as, for the nonce, to render the individual unconscious of, or indifferently conscious to, all other ideas, impressions, or trains of thought. The hypnotic sleep, therefore, is the very antithesis or opposite mental and physical condition to that which precedes and accompanies common sleep

Braid, Hypnotic Therapeutics, 1853
Therefore, Braid defined hypnotism as a state of mental concentration that often leads to a form of progressive relaxation, termed "nervous sleep". Later, in his The Physiology of Fascination (1855), Braid conceded that his original terminology was misleading, and argued that the term "hypnotism" or "nervous sleep" should be reserved for the minority (10%) of subjects who exhibit amnesia, substituting the term "monoideism", meaning concentration upon a single idea, as a description for the more alert state experienced by the others.

An Introduction About Quit Smoking Hypnotist

Hypnotized "redirects here. For other uses, see Hypnotized as a (disambiguation). Hypnosis" trance state characterized by extremesuggestibility, relaxation and heightened mental imagination.It(according to the "state theory") or the introduction of creative role(in accordance with "non-state theory"). usually induced by aprocedure known as a hypnotic induction, which normally consists of a long series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. hypnotic suggestions can be delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of a subject, or can be self-administered ("self-hypnosis" or "autosuggestion"). use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes is called "hypnosis" and its use as a form of entertainment for an audience known as "stage hypnosis".The word hypnosis and hypnotherapy as derived from the termneuro-hypnotism (nervous sleep) coined the Scottish surgeonJames Braid around 1841. Braid the basis of their practice,developed by Franz Mesmer and his followers ("Mesmerism" or "animal magnetism"), but differed in their theories on how the procedure worksContrary to popular belief that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness, like sleep, current research indicates thathypnotic subjects awake and concentration, with a corresponding reduction in their peripheral awareness. The subjects also show a greater response to the proposal. In the first book on this topic,Neuryprnology (1843), Braid described "hypnotism" as a state ofphysical relaxation accompanied and induced by mental concentration ("abstraction"). That small introduction about hypnotist or hypnosis in the tittle of quit smoking hypnotist.